puresnmp.plugins.auth module

This module provides a plugin architecture for authentication methods.

Each authentication plugin can be distributed as separate package by providing modules inside the namespace-package puresnmp_plugins.auth. Note that in order to be a valid namespace-package, such a package must not have a __init__.py file!

Example folder-structure for a privacy plugin:

 +- setup.py (or pyproject.toml)
 +- puresnmp/
     +- auth/
         +- mymodule.py
         +- myothermodule.py

Note that there is no __init__.py file!

In order for modules to be detected as plugin, they must follow the following rules:

  • Have a function authenticate_outgoing_message implementing the puresnmp_plugins.auth.TAuth.authenticate_outgoing_message() protocol.

  • Have a function authenticate_incoming_message implementing the puresnmp_plugins.auth.TAuth.authenticate_incoming_message() protocol.

  • Contain a string-variable IDENTIFIER. This variable should be user-friendly and is used to uniquely identify this authentication module.

  • Contain a int-variable IANA_ID. This variable should have a value from IANA registered authentication protocols and is used to avoid duplicate plugin registrations. See https://www.iana.org/assignments/snmp-number-spaces/snmp-number-spaces.xhtml and RFC 3411

class puresnmp.plugins.auth.TAuth(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: Protocol

Protocol describing the authentication API

authenticate_incoming_message(auth_key: bytes, data: bytes, received_digest: bytes, engine_id: bytes) bool

Determine whether a message is authentic.

This will take the raw bytes of an incoming message and derive a digest based on the authentication key and the receipient engine ID. The digest is compared to an expected digest. If they differ, this function will return False.

authenticate_outgoing_message(auth_key: bytes, data: bytes, engine_id: bytes) bytes

Calculate a digest for an outgoing message

This will take the raw bytes of an outgoing message and derive a digest based on the authentication key and the receipient engine ID

puresnmp.plugins.auth.create(identifier: str) TAuth

Return an instance of the given authentication module by identifier.

This looks up the module by “IDENTIFIER” as specified in the given plugin.


name – The identifier of the module


puresnmp.exc.MissingPlugin – If no module with the given name is found

puresnmp.plugins.auth.is_valid_auth_mod(mod: ModuleType) bool